Not everyone knows how to use air impact wrench, despite the high demand for this tool in the household. There is nothing difficult in working with it, however, to obtain the best result from its use, it is recommended to follow certain rules.
By the way, don’t rush and consider carefully before picking the best air impact wrench.
Assembly Tips
You should know that an impact wrench uses compressed air for its work. Before starting work, the air connection must be tightly connected to the compressed air supply hose and clamped with a hose clamp. Before connecting the wrench to the compressed air network, it is recommended to purge the hose to remove water and other contaminants. Connect an impact wrench to a rubber hose, which should be connected to an air pressure unit and tighten the hose with a hose clamp. Check that the starting lever is not blocked in the working position and only then apply compressed air.
By the way, proper lubrication of the wrench during operation is necessary in order to ensure its high durability.
After that, set the right impact socket and here you go.
Air Impact Wrench Usage
During operation, the wrench should be confidently and firmly held in the hands, exerting pressure directed toward the twisted surfaces. Do not exert excessive pressure – this does not lead to an increase in productivity.
The optimal tightening torque is achieved 5-7 seconds after touching the nut of the roll-up surfaces. Do not keep the wrench in a loaded state for a long time; this leads to premature wear of the impact mechanism.
Do not allow the “idle” work of the wrench, it leads to its failure. Do not aim the wrench with a working tool installed in it at yourself and other people. Avoid excessive overheating of the tool. Do not use the wrench as a hammer.
Safety Rules
Compliance with the rules of operation allows you to extend the tool life and get a better result in a shorter period of time.
Adjusting the movement of the bits is strictly prohibited during the work of an impact wrench. Carefully check the instrument to ensure that no moisture gets onto it or inside its case. It is strongly recommended to use the device only in case of sufficient lighting.
Do not overheat the device due to prolonged continuous operation. If an impact wrench is not given rest, then it can burn down. Study the instructions for your tool in detail before you start using it. Do not work with an impact wrench, if you revealed any malfunctions.