The history of the best finish nailer is quite long. Ancient people, like the modern ones, also acutely felt the need for holes. At first, they took something sharp and rolled it back and forth until they got the desired result. Then this process was a little mechanized – there was a primitive, mechanical finishing nail gun. Once again a person twisted something, but the speed was already slightly higher, so the result was faster. After many modernizations and improvements, a manual mechanical drill appeared on the light, followed by a modern finishing nail gun. At the moment, even the students know how to use this device.
The principle of work of finish nailer uses is that due to rotational movements there is a penetration of a special nozzle – a drill into the treated material, which results in the necessary opening.
How to use a finish nailer: There are various finishing nail gun specifications that can determine the choice of this tool and allow the wearer to use it correctly during work – what is a finish nailer used for.
1. Type the finishing nail gun.
Depending on the direction of movement, the finishing nail gun is divided into ordinary and drums. Normal (shock-free) finishing nail gun allows you to make various openings solely at the expense of the reversible movements of the drill element.
In a shock electric finishing nail gun, the drill element, in addition to rotary movements, also performs translational (drum). That is, the drill, in addition to rotation around its axis, moves forward and backward. Thanks to the striking movement, the finishing nail gun acquires the ability not only to make round holes, but also small slots (this may be useful for mounting various switches and other things).
Shock finishing nail gun is used to work on relatively soft surfaces (wood, plastic), drill drills are used when you need to get openings in harder surfaces (brickwork, concrete layer).
Most modern electric drills are shocked, but they have a special switch that allows you to toggle on or off the impact function. Therefore, we recommend recommending the exact finishing nail gun with such a switch.
2. Power finishing nail gun.
In finishing nail gun there is a built-in electric motor, which provides rotation of the drill element. The strength of the drill engine depends on the strength and speed of rotation, and, consequently, the drilling performance.
Small household models can have a power of 250 watts, while professional finishing nail guns may have a power of 1500 watts or more.
A normal finish nail gun that is powered by a power supply and connected by an electric cord has average power. The battery cushioning nail gun, which is powered by built-in rechargeable batteries, usually has less power.
Most often manufacturers produce a finishing nail gun with a capacity of 550-800 watts. It is in this range of capacities and should pay attention.
3. A maximum number of revolutions and punching frequency finish nail gun.
Speed is an important characteristic for finishing a nail gun. However, the finishing speed of the nail gun is slightly different from those of other instruments.
Almost all finishing nail guns have a maximum speed of 2,600 to 3,000 revolutions per minute. The higher the maximum speed – the better, but equally important is the ability to adjust this speed. For this purpose, in most models, a special speed regulator is provided, with which you can adjust the number of revolutions.
Impact frequency. At a higher frequency, the tool passes the treated surface faster.
4. Maximum diameter of drilling.
The farm may need to make holes of different diameters, for which there are drills of different diameters. However, it should be borne in mind that the drilling process is accompanied by heavy loads on the working parts and the engine finishing nail gun. The larger the diameter of the drill and the harder the material – the more load. The finishing nail gun’s capabilities are not limitless, and when over-loading the finish nail gun may fail.
To avoid this, for each model, the maximum drilling diameters for different materials are indicated. It should be noted that the maximum critical values are the final values and if the permanent nail gun will work with such diameters, then it will not last too long. The normal working diamonds of the finishing nail gun are usually slightly smaller than the maximum.
5. Possibility of reversing the movement of finishing nail gun.
As you know, when drilling, the drill rotates clockwise, while deepening into the material. In order to extract the bore back requires some effort, while it is most easily extracted if it is rotated in the opposite direction of the drilling side. The reverse function allows you to twist the cartridge in the opposite direction, allowing you to easily pull the drill. Also, the reverse can be used if the finish nail gun is used as a screwdriver, then with its help, you can unscrew screws.
In addition to these parameters, when choosing a finishing nail gun, it is necessary to check the presence of such additions as:
- Additional handle. The extra handle allows you to keep the finish nail gun handy with two hands, which increases the effectiveness of drilling;
- Drill depth limiter. This is such a small stick with a scale, which is often inserted into the additional handle. The length of the limiter is adjusted and when the drill enters the specified depth in the material, the limiter rests on the surface and prevents further immersion. Such a limiter is most often used when it is feared that something can be drilled through it, but this is not required;
- Case for finishing nail gun. Some finishing nail guns are sold in plain cardboard boxes. These boxes are eventually torn, and the finishing nail gun has to be saved in a big deal. Serious manufacturers produce their products in a complete set with a special plastic (less metal case) case. In such a case it is very convenient to carry and keep the finishing nail gun.