A chainsaw is a special tool for sawing and wood processing. What methods can solve the question “how to choose a chainsaw?” Often buyers are faced with many different issues when choosing a chainsaw model, this sophisticated, functional equipment. One thing is to let the chopper down and put the chainsaw to the next moment, and quite another – constantly work on a sawmill for several hours a day. It is clear that for everyday needs do not need expensive technical equipment, but rather to manage the simplest option. The main thing – to choose a good chainsaw and carefully, with all responsibility to study and take instructions on the use of this tool.
The best small chainsaw – universal chain saw mainly with a two-stroke engine.
The functional cutting headset consists of:
- Chains enclosed in a ring, which consists of links of various sizes and shapes;
- Tires (a thin metal plate that fixes the chain);
- Chain wheel;
- Fuel for chainsaws (in the role of fuel, a mixture of gasoline and a certain type of oil used for two-stroke engines is used).
Main areas of chainsaw use.
Before choosing a chainsaw, you must definitely decide on the main area of its use. The unchangeability of the chainsaw in many operations is emphasized by its versatility and versatility. A chainsaw is actively used:
- Builders. Professionals of various construction companies specializing in wooden housing construction;
- Loggers. It is a professional tool for any modern logger;
- Communal services employees. With the help of chainsaws, utility staff cut trees in parks, squares, and courtyards of houses (residential zones);
- Owners of suburban areas. An indispensable tool for the improvement of the garden area, for the construction of a private house, bathhouses, gazebos, and residential premises;
- Sculptors. With the help of chainsaws, sculptors create masterpieces.
Types of chainsaws
What to choose a chainsaw depends largely on the amount of work planned, the time of its use and the degree of expected load. A chainsaw is a household, semi-professional and professional type. Let’s consider more detailed all kinds of chainsaws:
- Household chainsaw. A household chainsaw is intended for sawing small-diameter logs and works for one hour a day (approximately). Simplification of the design of the tool leads to the loss of its power, but, at the same time, the price of chainsaws decreases. This option is best suited for periodic use in repair work, with small volumes of landscaping in the garden area;
- Professional chainsaw. This is a powerful tool that can spray powerful trees up to 15 hours a day. Such a chainsaw contains high vibration isolation, has a balanced body and ergonomic, high-quality handles. The tool is distinguished by high performance and relatively high cost. Chainsaws of this type are specially made taking into account the constant professional use;
- Semi-professional chainsaw. This equipment has similar functions with a professional tool but has a time limit (no more than three hours a day). Such a device, in terms of its functional and qualitative characteristics and cost, is an intermediate option;
- There is a special kind of chainsaw – a one-handed device. This model has a lightweight design and improved balancing, which makes it easy to hold the chainsaw with one hand. As a rule, this technique is used for trimming trees: the worker carries out the processing of knots of a tree with one hand, the second hand at this time can support falling and spit branches. Small weight and compactness have brought her great popularity among hunters, fishermen, private homeowners.
Key points, chainsaw choosing tips for beginners, which should be guided when choosing chainsaws and their specifications
- Key point number 1. The work resource that needs to be considered when choosing a chainsaw
- Key point number 2. Power chainsaws
- Key point number 3. Quenching a kickback chainsaw
- Key point number 4. Antivibration chainsaw system
- Key point number 5. Chainsaw kit
Users determine the resource of the equipment as its complete failure, experts – the moment of the first major repair of the engine. The best way to increase the length of the instrument service is to take care of the chainsaw. It is necessary to choose the most optimal operating mode for chainsaws, to protect it from significant overloads. Any manufacturer in the implementation of complex equipment necessarily adds to him a detailed instruction, with a clear description of the technology of use and mode of operation. Compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions will definitely extend the service life of the chainsaw;
This is an important parameter to consider when choosing a chainsaw. The more powerful the tool, the more difficult it will be, the more load it can withstand. The power of a professional saw varies from 2.7 to 7 kW;
One of the key elements that should be controlled when choosing chainsaws. At the time of docking, the saw and wood chainsaw necessarily throws back. This problem in modern models is solved in the following ways: using an inertia brake / by using protective functions and elements. Let’s consider more details of both variants. When using an inertia brake, the saw stops after the start of the sawing process. A protective function is a special shield that is at the end of the chainsaw. The second variant of extinguishing a reverse impact is rarely used, so when choosing a chainsaw it is better to choose a model with an inertia brake;
Long work with a chainsaw is very tiring, it creates a considerable load on the joints of the hands. When purchasing chainsaws it is necessary to pay attention to equipping it with an antivibration, to try to include it and to hold it in hands in the included state;
It is important to pay attention to the parameters of the dustbag, the special plate, to which the chain is fixed. In consumer chainsaws, a narrow tire is usually used, which is characterized by a non-reversible kickback. To ensure rigidity of the fastening of the structure, the void between the plates is filled with polyamide. Professional chainsaws usually use tires with several interchangeable heads.
Also taken into account is the length of the tire when choosing a chainsaw. The recommended length for a certain type of work is necessarily recorded in the technical passport of the chainsaw. It should be remembered that a very long tire can create significant resistance at the torque of the crankshaft. This results in rapid wear and increases the final fuel consumption.
It is necessary to correctly pick up the chain for chainsaws, which significantly reduces vibration. Professional saws are equipped with high-quality chains, which create great vibration, but much of these chains are much more productive in the long run.
After purchasing the chainsaw it is necessary to turn it on for 25-35 minutes at small turns, then damp the engine and further check the tension. Then you can proceed to full-fledged work.